Thursday, May 26, 2016

Things to Read May 26th

So. You guys. Bollinger supports a literature award. The Bollinger Wodehouse Everyman Prize. The winner (or winners, this year) gets a pig. And champagne.

The trailer is out for The Safe House: A Documentary on the Decline of UK Libraries

This shelf note at The Regulator Bookshop. "The best is that 'please' is crossed out."

Where Trans Bodies and Straight Fragility Meet by Joseph Osmundson "Straightness seems awfully fragile to need protection from a trans threat that literally does not exist."

At the Grub Street Writers of Color Roundtable by Swati Khurana, in which we are introduced to Grub Street and learn that we need to read more Mira Jacob (so much more), along with a reminder that people are, indeed, terrible.

Electric Literature is now seeking essay submissions!!! (psst: they pay a bit)

Yale University Press is looking for a Executive Editor, History (side note: that's the job I want: editing history. Say goodbye to your frumpy expectations of women and focus on accomplishments over behavior. No more T Jeff wasn't the worst. None of that. No more fake revisionist bullshit about how all the overly powerful men in the world weren't really terrible, history has simply painted them that way. Nope. I want my history to be focused on pizza, sidewalks, urban parks and the development of shoes (demon spawn! (I hate shoes)).)

Rebecca Solnit from LitHub: To Break the Story You Must Break the Status Quo "I think of the mainstream media as having not so much a rightwing or leftwing bias but a status-quo bias, a tendency to believe people in authority, to trust institutions and corporations and the rich and powerful and pretty much any self-satisfied white man in a suit, to let people who have been proven to tell lies tell more lies that get reported without questioning, to move forward on cultural assumptions that are readily disproved, and to devalue nearly all outsiders, whether they're discredited or mocked or just ignored."

New Hero Denise Paolucci's epic (EPIC) Twitter rant about the disgusting turn in Captain America's comic book story is everything. There are links to other things in her tweets, but I'm not putting that shit on my blog.

That's all I've got today - What're you reading?

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