Tuesday, August 16, 2016

List of things for August 16th, 2016

The Lenny Interview: Lidia Yuknavitch

Every Day, a Funeral: Jenny Zhang and Nate Brown in Conversation

YA Author Wisdom: Sandra Cisneros

Teju Cole’s Essays Build Connections Between African and Western Art

Five Books Making News This Week, Floods, Ponds and Grief - which link I must follow up with an observation that I am done DONE with people comparing Bennett's book Pond to anything by Knausgaard (whose monster of a masterpiece I love, btw, although even if I didn't, I would still make the case) on account of it is much more like Joyce (seeing as how he's an Irish writer also writing highly fantastical stuff for an interior narrative) and I think it's crazy lazy not to acknowledge that relationship. That said, there are reviewers who are doing the work of finding other, more reasonable comparisons to make. This is rambly. I've had a bunch of coffee is all.

Analytic Rage: The Genius of Jenny Diski - this weekend, I saw On Gratitude on the shelf and was blindsided by the news of Diski's inoperable lung cancer. I've not read anything other than Stranger on a Train by her, but that I loved and while I am more than a little put off by the boring font (it's less superficial than you might think), I am bracing myself for this book. 

Went and listened to poems last night. Having many feelingthoughts about the body and women's poetry and where we live in our words and how I am not sad to leave straight white cisgendered men's words in a ditch at the side of my bookshelves forever.

Also Happy Birthday to a dear dear dear dear friend for whom my heart ribbits happily and who will ever have custody of the best of my brain.

The Obelisk Gate is out today. Are you reading it? Don't tell me! I can't yet. I have groups and things. Thursday, though. Thursday it will happen!

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