Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I may have had some thoughts about today's articles Sept 14 2016

Publishers Association Issues Brexit Manifesto

The Uncomfortable Truth About Children's Books: Attempts to diversify lily-white kid lit have been, well, complicated.

Ava DuVernay's 'A Wrinkle in Time' Film Adaptation Has Found Its Lead: Storm Reid (are you kidding me with how completely adorable she is and her name is Storm like parenting done right!) Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling in talks to join Oprah Winfrey in A Wrinkle in Time - Okay, who even knows who else is going to be cast, but the part where Ava DuVernay wins is basically the theme of this paragraph. Because she is everything.

How NYC's First Puerto Rican Librarian Brought Spanish To The Shelves

In case anyone wondered: privilege is everywhere - Lionel Shriver’s Address on Cultural Appropriation Roils a Writers Festival - the absolute equanimity that it must require to address anyone about the ills of being respectful while wearing a sombrero (apparently as some kind of statement) is indicative of the depth of the problem. White people will do anything to prevent having to think before they speak. Or ever. Really. We're known for it.

What is Women’s Writing? A Discussion at the Emily Books Symposium

I was going to include another link to an article about a powerful white woman having a hissy fit for not being noticed enough, but I'm not going to. Somewhere in the world a white woman with power isn't being noticed enough. It's not new. It's not helpful. Stop it.

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