Monday, November 28, 2016

To Read Nov 28, 2016

I have 16,000 words to write before the end of November. Naturally, I am reading everything I can get my eyes on instead.

It is a gray and rainy day, perfect for the time of year, finally, and the sharp taste of tea plus Beethoven in my ear holes means that all is in something like a kind of good spot for going forward.

President  Obama wrote a lovely essay for Lonely Planet during his final foreign trip as president. Publishers Weekly offered an interesting take on why that is important. --- I am frankly, reinvigorated to travel, to read travel writing and to dig around for travel expressions wherever I find them. Go, you, Obama. Travel is a political act.

I have now seen Arrival three times in the theater. It extraordinary. Next up is to read the short story on which it is based, but that will mean leaving the house and there is tea here and also blankets, so no. Here is a piece about the design of the office of Dr. Louise Banks, a linguist.

Clearly, Saladin Ahmed is an author I NEED to read (next year when I am reading books by dudes again).

Dana Levin has a firm hold on a porch in my heart. Here she is rocking back and forth on it.

This TED Talk by Saki Mafundikwa: Ingenuity and Elegance in Ancient African Alphabets is inspiring. Humans do make some wonders, don't we? (the one after this is about African Fractals !!!)

Kimberlé Chrenshaw and the Urgency of Intersectionality. Warning: tears ahead, if yours, like mine, are white, please keep them in an appropriate place. Do your own emotional labor.

Poem from Architrave Press: From a Notebook

Some links from: LitHub, ThreeWeeks (a newsletter), Publishers Weekly, and the gentle magic of clicking around

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